Housing Service Center
You will be assigned temporary lodging for up to 45 days. All reservations must be made through Navy Gateway Inns and Suites Bahrain. Please ensure to inform NGIS if you are arriving with family or arriving alone to prevent any out of pocket expense even if your family is arriving on a later date. There is a significant difference between a single room and a family room.
Upon arrival, you must report immediately to Housing Service Center with a copy of your orders, certificate of non-availability of U.S. Government lodging and page 2 (if arriving with family members).
All personnel will be residing on the local economy, except for E4 and below who will reside at the Unaccompanied Housing (UH)/Barracks onboard NSA Bahrain. The Housing Service Center will assist you in securing an off base residence. Rent is paid in Bahraini Dinars and not in U.S. Dollars.
While newly arrived personnel have various allowances and entitlements to receive, the Housing Service Center recommends that individuals or family required to stay in hotels off base have at least (Individual) $3500 lodging cost / (Family) $5500 lodging cost to cover the first 20 days of accommodation off base.
You will need to submit TLA/TLE reimbursement every 10 days at the Housing Service Center and it takes up to 10 working days before you may receive the reimbursement in your bank account. (TQSA for civilians must be submitted to HR Office/DoD School)
Housing Service Center
The Housing Service Center provides a wide range of services, i.e., detailed market information on local areas, housing for rent, contract administration services, lease review/interpretation, list of approved housing facilities and real estate agencies, landlord information and mediation, termination of lease and addendums for contract renewal.
Regional Locations
Members are allowed to choose houses from any place on the island that is not on the off-limits list, but the Residential Security Team will determine if the house/apartment is safe for the tenants to move in to. Some areas, such as Juffair, Adliya, Hoora, Um-Al Hassam, Hidd, Arad, Galali, and Amwaj are some of the areas in which Americans commonly reside.
Housing Types
Housing requirements vary depending on tenant requirements. Housing types include...
-Apartment buildings with four-story flats and higher
-Three-story flat buildings with one flat on each floor
-Villas and villa compounds, which are single, double or multiple villas surrounded by walls
Housing Process
The housing brief is required in order to begin the process of searching for a residence and must be registered in our Enterprise Military Housing (eMH) Data Base.
Once you have chosen where you would like to live and it is within the Force Protection Limit:
Step 1: In-Processing
Step 2: Pre-contract
Step 3: Lease/Contract Drafting
Step 4: Residential Security Inspection
Step 5: Lease/Contract Signing
Step 6: Move in (normally a day or two after your lease signing)
Types of Leases
1. Long term lease – One-year lease
2. Short Term lease – Month to month lease in a Fully Furnished Apartment (this is the recommended lease for personnel bringing their household goods and HHG will not arrive in time to move in a long term lease residence).
Overseas Housing Rental and utility allowance is sufficient to cover the cost of rent and the utilities to adequately house all military personnel. Department of Defense civilians receive Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) that plays by the same rules. Your allowance is determined by your pay grade. All DOD civilians and paid E-5 and above are to reside off base. PCS military personnel will receive Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) and All DOD civilians eligible for LQA will receive the housing allowance.
Unaccompanied Personnel E4 and below
All E-4 and below unaccompanied personnel assigned in NSA Bahrain and all of its tenant commands will reside in Unaccompanied Housing, Bldg. 263, Bldg. 266 and Bldg.766.
Interested in becoming a Resident Advisor to mentor our Junior Sailors? Please let us know. An RA room consists of a private room and a separate living room.