The NSA Bahrain Youth Sports & Fitness department encourages all children and youth, 3-18 years old, to participate in our recreational year-round sports and fitness opportunities. Three and four-year-olds participate in Start Smart with their parent to learn the motor skills required for future sports participation. All other sports participants can look forward to traditional and non-traditional individual and team leagues, camps, clinics, special events, and clubs. 



Did you play sports in high school or college? Have you never played sports before? Volunteer to coach youth sports today! Our Youth Sports and Fitness department will provide all the required training you need, free of charge, to have a fun and meaningful experience.

Youth Sports Volunteer Coaches reinforce our youth sports philosophies of providing developmentally appropriate programs focusing on teamwork, sportsmanship, and skill development while having fun in an environment of encouragement and inclusion.

Coaching Requirements:

  • Cleared background check
  • CPR & First Aid training
  • NYSCA certification

Do you want to get a head start on your training requirements?
     1. Register with NAYS: See downloads section on the right. 
     2. Complete the online CYP volunteer training course: (make sure to keep a copy of your completion certificate and submit it to the Youth Sports Office.

Parents have the opportunity to provide constructive feedback utilizing the Rate My Coach feature on the website. Please contact the Youth Sports Coordinator to obtain your coach’s NYSCA member number.