Fleet & Family Support Center
The Bahrain Fleet and Family Support Program (FFSP) reinforces Operational Readiness by providing a wide range of services to the military community. To this end, we provide information, deployment, and transition support, counseling and education in a respectful manner; to empower those we serve to manage the challenges, changes, and sacrifices inherent in the military way of life.
Work & Family Life Programs: Bldg. 100, Room 120A
FFSC Admin Clinical Counseling & New Parent Support: Bldg. 100, Room 129A
Transition Assistance Program
-TGPS for those separating or retiring from the military
-CONSEP (Career Options & Navy Skills Evaluation Program)
-Resume Writing Class
-Federal resume and employment classes
-Job search
Relocation Assistance Program
-Newcomer's Orientation (INDOC)
-Sponsor Training
-Smooth Move
-School Liaison Resources
Intercultural Relations Education
-Gold Buying
-Pearl Buying
-Carpet Buying
-Arabic Culture & Traditions Briefs
-Spoken Arabic
-Reading & Writing Arabic
Family Advocacy Program
Provides education for the prevention of child abuse/neglect and spouse/intimate partner abuse.
Personal Financial Management
-Consumer Awareness
-Credit & Debt Management
-Car Buying
-Home Buying
-Developing a Spending Plan
-One-On-One Budget Counseling
Life Skills Education
-Anger/Stress Management
-Deployment Support (Return & Reunion)
-Effective Communication Skills
-Goal Setting
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR)
A DoD mandated program aimed at increasing public awareness and reducing incidents of sexual assault. The SAPR Program consists of three components: 1. Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Education 2. Victim Advocacy 3. Data Collection
Bldg. 24, Next to PSD
Clinical Services
-Individual Counseling
-Family Counseling
-Group In-Service
-Provide skilled crisis intervention and support services
Information & Referral
-Provide brochures and fact sheets on local area resources
-Make referrals to appropriate military or civilian agencies
-Maintain a database of educational, life-enhancing, and therapeutic resources found on the base
-Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) information